Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So! Obama is our president

You know....I already had a feeling it was time for a president like him. It seemed to me, when Clinton was voted in, that half of my country had become so lazy and brainwashed, they voted in a con-man while starring the truth in the face. How gullible could so many people be?

I forgave myself, right then and there, for having lost an entire business to a con-man. Certainly, here was proof I wasn't the dummest human being alive.

At the same time, it was so obvious to me, that it was that time in history. Time to slowly begin the brain washing, it would take to someday cause masses,all over the world, to fall for the promises of the anti-christ. I mean, isn't that the way the devil works? Slowly twisting the truth until the lie is now the truth?

I had mixed emotions about the whole thing. I knew this country was in for some unusual problems, now that a con-man was in the White House. (a thief in the safe?)

Then 9-11 happened and I stood in the livingroom, stunned, while I watched yet another plane, plow into one of the towers. I thought, "the clock has begun to tick".

I've waited and watched to see what the next signal would be. This morning, I saw it. Not just a con-man but an outright, obvious liar is now our president. Pretty slick, satan.

Somehow, I picture a 4 year old sitting at that big desk, dreaming up all sorts of wonderful candy and games for all his friends. It doesn't matter that there is no money in the piggy bank. His wildest dreams, are enough to see this thing through. Right?

So....ok... I accept it for what it is. Another giant step towards Armagedon.

Come on, Lord. Maranatha!

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