When, in all of history, did society come to the conclusion that animals were also devine? Of course, I'm not talking about India, I'm talking about the known 'Christian' world. And of course, I'm talking about seeing animals in general, right down to the coyote, as being on a level with humans.
I came close to an argument about that very thing, recently. Someone on facebook worshipped a link calling for the boycot of Idaho potatoes. Why? Evidently because they are killing coyotes.
I made some statement about protecting a human before I'd protect an animal and the fire storm began. How strange, we've become.
Today, people will spend thousands on surgery for a dog, while they give very little to the poor. Go figure.
Half our generation will stand up and rail against the Nativity set, even on the front lawn of a church but they don't blink an eye at the wholesale slaughter of unborn children.
It's not just sin in the streets, it's also sin against mankind, today. We've gone from logic to insanity.
I'm in my 60's and remember my grand-parents well. They were farmers. I'll never forget the day my grandmother discovered we had a dog 'in the house'. It was upside down logic, to her. Dogs had a purpose in life and it wasn't lying on the livingroom floor or chewing up ones house shoes.
We, as Christians, have bought into a lot of this modern day attitude, without realizing the shift. Who among us would snap the neck of a chicken and yet we eat it, all the time. Your grand parents did.
We have so lost the realities of life, it's no wonder we have 'tree huggers', perfectly willing to put hundreds out of work. And think about it: how many millions of dollars have been spent in the name of some beetle, and then even more to support those who can't find work? Kind of silly, don't you think? Upside down thinking.
To add to that, we have lazy Christians to stand up to these crazy folks. The few who will voice an opinion, get shot in the streets for daring to carry a sign, calling the baby killers, 'baby killers'. Are we really so spineless?
We've gone completely from the 'Scarlet Letter', to coddling pregnant teenagers. Our society has gone from straight laced social conduct, all the way to no fences at all.
How many of us, living in our 60's today, remember the hippy age? Our generation was completely divided. More than half our generation went the way of no regulations, free love, free clinics and food stamps, living in communes and 'doing their own thing'. Boy, do I remember the 'do your own thing' thing. As long as you were doing their thing, you were doing your own thing but if you really did your own thing, you had to be converted. Seems to me that's what I see in the Democratic party, these days. Seems to me, the same division. And of course, we must do their thing. Right now, 'their thing' is destroying the U.S.
The last generation? It has to be. Where could we possibly go from here? The world is upside down, compared to 50 years ago.
Life is so much easier and healthier, than it ever has been in history. That's true and along with it came perversion and laziness. Human kind, I suppose, can't be healthy. One thing or another, will drop down the drain. It's like we have a choice between 'body and soul' and 'happiness and wealth'.
We weren't just subjected to the sins of this world, we let it happen. The church didn't stand up, in one accord, when the time was right. We watched the crazy costumes, in the 'gay pride' parade, jam up our streets and push their attitude in our faces.
We in the U.S., live in a free society. Should I say, 'used to'? So we allow these things for that cause. Yet, the favor was never returned. Those among us whom we allowed freedom, desire to take our away.
I'm beginning to ramble but I think you see my point. People ask, "How do you know this is the last days"? and I say, "look around you". The people asking are so blind, they don't see what has changed. Only a Christian with a foundation of rock, can see it.
I think you'd be shocked to discover, this perverted society is sitting in the pew, next to you. Hang onto your foundation.
The 'hippy generation' was the beginning of the end. What followed, immediately, were the 'bra burners' and then pushing the homosexual to the front of the line. That portion of our generation has begat a whole generation of perversion and theirs have now had children. 'Those' children, kill other children and even their parents. Yup! The beginning of the end. Anyone here, remember the days of hanging babies in trees, to die? I sure do.
So now, ask me why I'm convinced this is the last generation. All these symptoms, added to what Jesus said, and I'm convinced.